Avada Car Dealer News

Istanbul, Jun 27, 2018 – An Äager brand Storagetech  is an ATEX certified designer and manufacturer with extensive experience providing atmospheric storage tank and pipeline safety breather valves, vents and flame arresters flame arresters with the pressure vacuum relief valve for oil, gas, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, and such industries.

After long meetings and discussions through Äager, Al Prince Engineers Co. and  Pakistan State Oil Co. (PSO) which is the leading public sector company in Pakistan, giving importance to the quality, chose one of the main storage tank equipment providers Storagetech  finally to be their registered vendor.

In this regard, Storagetech has completed several projects including a large number of pressure vacuum relief valve with flame arresters with different pressure levels and sizes from 6’’ inch to 12’’where POS storage tanks will fully be equipped with Storagetech brand safety and emission control equipment.

„Thank you for the Benchmark produced by Äager  in PAKISTAN Oil & Gas market, we rely on dependable service from Principle company like Äager to help us keep our schedule and satisfy our customers like Pakistan State Oil Co Ltd, National Refinery Ltd, Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. We would like you to know that we highly appreciate your efforts and look forward to continuing our business relationship. Along with our Principles, we are much satisfied with your all services.’„, says ENGR. M. Armughan Muqeem, Director Procurement


Started its journey in Dusseldorf, Germany, Äager was founded to be a core supporter of our customers, whoever requires high quality, affordable, fastest industrial products

Äager promised to accomplish that maintaining the highest safety and sustainability standards under its brands of Ergil and Storagetech.

Traditionally, oil & gas were Äager’s core business, however, with the time the product need for various sectors has emerged. Then, we found ourselves actively working on alternative energy, power, water & waste-water, marine, and manufacturing sectors. What we do is offering safety, environment, process products and special components for manufacturing.

Pakistan State Oil Company chooses Storagetech for Strategic Storage Tank Equipment Supply Contract 10Storagetech End-of-line Flame Arrestors Received ATEX Certification
Pakistan State Oil Company chooses Storagetech for Strategic Storage Tank Equipment Supply Contract 11WETEX 2019

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