Storagetech’s Model 550 Oil Basket Strainer can be located on any size pipeline. The aim of the product is to filter the unwanted particles and keep them in the basket strainer. Storagetech designs and manufactures strainers for oil, gas, and steam applications of various types.
The basket filter is designed as per customer process requirements and manufactured with stainless steel material.
Storagetech is capable of manufacturing basket strainers up to 300 bar.
It can be easily removed, cleaned, and replaced if required. The filter body comes with bolted-type closures.
Storagetech’s basket strainers can be manufactured as per ASME, EN, or GOST in addition to customer-specific requirements. It can be provided with ASME U Stamp or without any Stamp.
As a part of Äager GmbH, a quick opening closure with an interlocking mechanism can also be provided as per the customer’s requirement. This provides easier quick access and extra safety.
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